Posted by raffles
FloralPride (#356463)

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Posted on
2024-04-07 00:23:59
I just finished up a raffle, and I'm super confused. I know not many people purchased tickets for my raffle, but I got a really long message saying that I got things that I didn't even have as tickets.

Could someone explain to me what this means?

Here is what you earned from tickets:
1040 SB, 53x Hyrax Skull, 26x Caracal Skull, 3x Rib Bone, 4x Rat Skull, 6x Cow Skull, 16x Fox Skull, 5x Otter Skull, 4x Fennec Skull, 5x Cheetah Skull, 10x Meerkat Skull, 3x Civet Skull, 2x Spotted Hyena Skull, 3x Hornbill Skull, 3x Hippo Skull, 1x Serval Skull, 1x Lion Skull, 1x Elephant Skull, and 1x African Wild Dog Skull Here is what you earned from tickets:
220 SB, 15x Fuchsia Flower, 4x Lion Skull, 1x Beetle: Smaragdesthes africana [Yellow], 4x Herb: Ubhubhubhu, 24x Underbrush, 1x Ionized Plankton, 4x Ostrich Feather, and 2x Murex Shells Here is what you earned from tickets:
420 SB and 10x Food Bundle Here is what you earned from tickets:
75 SB, 2x Gem: Celestite, and 1x Large Leaves Here is what you earned from tickets:
380 SB and 14x Large Leaves Here is what you earned from tickets:
400 SB and 93x Lucky Foot Here is what you earned from tickets:
80 SB, 1x Vulturine Guineafowl Feather, 1x Hornbill Feather, 1x Kingfisher Feather, and 2x Archer's Buzzard Feather

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Kit in a Box
~⚙️~ (#61637)

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Posted on
2024-04-07 01:47:05
It appears to be a bug.
You may want to post in this Bug Board Post or This One.

I'd also suggest checking your user log to cross reference what you actually received versus what the message says in case the coders need that info.

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FloralPride (#356463)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-04-07 08:21:07
Thank you so much. I actually don’t think I received anything

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