Posted by 🦜 - Papageikatze Adopts!

iitz Redtail (#213862)

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2024-04-12 08:27:39


Papageikatze (often shortened to Paki) are feline creatures that have bird-like features, as its name implies. They have a beak and other avian characteristics. Its appearance depends on the environment it is born in, including the types of creatures it lives among and the climate conditions. It can have different color patterns and shapes, but always have avian characteristics, resembling a parrot or similar bird in some way. These creatures can live in a wide range of habitats and are found throughout the world.

Features + Rarity

🦜 - Spiky Fur, Pine Forest, Common
🦜 - Short Fur, Oak Forest, Common
🦜 - Long Fur, Snowy Mountains, Common
🦜 - Woolly Fur, Tundra, Uncommon
🦜 - Thin Fur, Desert, Uncommon

🦜 - Warm Colored Eyes (Red, Orange, Yellow, Pink), Common
🦜 - Cold Colored Eyes (Green, Blue, Purple), Uncommon
🦜 - Dark Colored Eyes (Black, Gray, White, Brown), Rare

🦜 - Sharp Beak, Common
🦜 - Rounded Beak, Uncommon
🦜 - Long Beak, Rare

🦜 - Short Tail, Common
🦜 - Woolly Tail, Uncommon
🦜 - Medium Tail, Uncommon
🦜 - Long Thin Tail, Rare
🦜 - Long Medium Tail, Rare
🦜 - Long Fluffy Tail, Ultra Rare

🦜 - No Feathers, Common
🦜 - Short Feathers, Uncommon
🦜 - Medium Feathers, Uncommon
🦜 - Long Feathers, Rare
🦜 - Wings, Ultra Rare

🦜 - No Mutation, Common
🦜 - Piebald, Rare
🦜 - Albinism, Rare
🦜 - Melanism, Rare
🦜 - Extra Eyes, Rare
🦜 - Overgrown Claws, Rare
🦜 - Overgrown Teeth, Rare
🦜 - Extra Ears, Ultra Rare
🦜 - Extra Limbs, Ultra Rare
🦜 - Two Tails, Ultra Rare

Available Adopts

#1 - Lavender
Features: Wooly Fur, Cold Colored Eyes, Rounded Beak, Woolly Tail, No Feathers, No Mutation
Overall Rarity: Uncommon

#2 - Red Tailed Hawk
Features: Spiked Fur, Cold Colored Eyes, Sharp Beak, Medium Feathered Tail, Medium Feathers, No Mutation
Overall Rarity: Uncommon


I can make a custom Papageikatze for you, depending on the features, starting at 1 !

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Edited on 12/04/24 @ 09:33:59 by who killed redtail?(he/she/it) (#213862)

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