Posted by 3gb Custom decor Fee

Peachily (#146569)

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Posted on
2024-04-13 12:15:06
Im curious what the point of the extra 3gb fee ontop of custom decors is?
If you set a custom decor price, it will be sold for 3gb more expensive. This also applies to the SB option for buying custom decors; It adds +3gb to the SB option which, in my opinion, doesn't make much sense.

This is what LD says when covering the 3gb fee:
"For Automatic Sales, you can set a GB or a SB price (or both) that you want to allow people to purchase your decors for. They will be able to automatically purchase your decor from the custom decor viewer for the price set, plus the additional 3 GB copy cost, though the 3 GB will not go to you. To make it so this is not possible, simply leave the prices set to 0 for both options. You do not need to add 3 GB into the price as the system will do that automatically. Whatever price you set is what you will receive when the decor is purchased. Please note that by setting both a GB and a SB price, it means a user can purchase in either SB or GB, not a combined SB/GB price."

So my questions are,

- What is the point of the +3gb fee? (in terms of making other users pay the fee.)
- Why is the fee set at +3gb in the SB purchase option, rather than + 3,000SB (or close to)?
- Why do people who buy custom decors have to pay that extra fee, rather than the people who made the custom decors? Wouldnt it make more sense to have the creator of the CD pay to sell extra copies rather than the people who are buying the CDs?
- The fee also seems to be a bit expensive. You can set custom decors at 1gb/1000sb and the fee would quadruple that price. Why is it 3gb, and not 2 or 1gb?

I might be missing some things, but i am genuinely curious what the fee is actually meant to be for. Thank you in advance!

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Edited on 13/04/24 @ 12:20:09 by Peachily (#146569)

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2024-04-13 14:17:31
The fee is there to keep custom decors expensive, its sort of the "site's tax" the users are paying for using custom decors feature - those 3 GB go to Lioden Ltd, that you have to pay to the game itself to create a copy of decor for you. So if the creator sets a decor's automatic sale price at 1 GB, the decor costs 4 GB to buy, the creator gets 1 GB and the 3 GB fee goes to the site.
The creators have to pay 3 GB from their own pocket to create a copy of custom decor, as well, its NOT free for them. Every time a copy is created, 3 GB tax must be paid to the site,
And its 3 GB just because the tax is set that way, it wont convert to SB.

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Edited on 13/04/24 @ 14:27:03 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

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