Posted by CHEAP ADOPTS + CUSTOMS! Paypal/cashapp
Wulf (#426229)

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Posted on
2024-04-14 13:10:30
i want to buy thats not my neighbor so bad, and also i need money for lunch or at least to buy stuff to make lunch, i don't get paid til thursday ;;

Here's some examples of my designs (not for sale)

Flowers in Chania

Flowers in Chania

sorry if they turn out huge!

and here are some adopts that are for sale!

Girl in a jacket

$5 Choose your own palette!

Girl in a jacket

$5 Otter

Girl in a jacket

$3 Pink Otter

Girl in a jacket

$3 Green Otter

Girl in a jacket

Ignore price on the image!
$7 Wheatleaper

Girl in a jacket

$3 Lynx Point Kitty

And customs start at $3!

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