Posted by Stud pricing check!

Vivian (#274884)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-04-16 10:56:19
Hello! I just acquired this heir, hes getting crowned in less than two weeks so id like to know how much his studs would go for! ^-^

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Granny (#159081)

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Posted on
2024-04-18 08:13:55
Normal primals aren't usually sought after anymore. They're extremely easy to breed and nearly everyone has them. While I am no expert and find myself asking my friends the same question you're asking. I have a Primal (Felis) crowned at the moment priced at 150SB/1GB and I'm hardly getting any traffic on him even with being so cheap. He is clean and friendly to all with stats sitting in the 300s but I just don't believe people are trying to breed normal primals and primal (felis). My best advice is to go into trade center and look up studs with similar information to your almost crowned man.

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