Posted by King Funds!

Kurt || G6/Tri Ros
Overo! (#222098)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-04-22 21:11:52
I'm already looking to retire my current king! Mostly because I'm not that comfortable with the fandom he's based off anymore AND because he's only shit out one mutie for me!
You can see my planned king below!

A small checklist of what I need and trades that are open of course
Lavish Mane (dark colors): 10 or 5 (on branch)
Stat items (Will be bought after)

My trades are HERE (clicky!)

Thank you so much if you buy anything! :3 <3

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Edited on 23/04/24 @ 07:39:42 by PlushiiKyu! (He/Its) 🌸 (#222098)

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