Posted by EO: Piebald Dorsal MOD

V'kai (#225495)

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Posted on
2024-04-24 08:50:48
Crossroads trade page can be found Here.

I'm entertaining offers on my Piebald Dorsal MOD, the trade description is a bit limited so i'm using this post to hopefully explain my wants/interests a little deeper!

Primarily I am hoping to get 3 or more Ochre Gnawrocks in a trade, I'm currently breeding as often as I can to try and obtain a Triple Rosette, I have many doubles as a result of gnawrocks, and I have to sink alot into buying new gnawrocks as I use two for every litter in attempting to get the triple I want. My rosette project and the current breeding stock can be viewed Here; I don't mind dms asking to buy any of them off me if you have interest, but keep in mind each of their litters cost me a minimum of 80GB in gnaws before offering please.


- My first and only hybrid has reached an unbreedable age without giving me a hybrid cub, and so I would be greatly interested in getting my hands on another clean hybrid with some heats left.

- Bulk Buffys/Grains and GMO cows are something I will always consider.

- Lower pure GB offers will also be considered, but in lower priority, as I don't really wish to part with this MOD but need the GB to keep trying for my project.

- Bulk Food/Amusement and other items that give stats, my other account's king is my stat king and a large amount of stat objects COULD potentially sway me

- Mutie Lions; all will be considered, but if they are of low market value, dirty and/or have no benefits to my breeding projects I may not accept quickly/at all.

I have NO Interest in:
- Non Mutie Lions
- Decor
- Bulk basic food/amusement
- Junk/craftables

Feel free to ask me here if there is an item/lion/thing you'd like to offer that you don't know my level of interest in.

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