Posted by [April] Masked encounter: Carve Eggs from Hoard

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2024-04-26 12:13:01
An idea popped into my head a few days ago when I got a few Ostrich Eggs from other event encounters. I thought a neat one that could be added would be a fluffball who will carve eggs with your lion - if you provide some eggs to be carved. Of course, this encounter would only show up while wearing Wenet's Mask.

It would function roughly the same as the existing "Lion Mask" fluffball who takes poacher guns - it would deduct the required amount of Ostrich Eggs from your Hoard, and if you don't have any in your Hoard, the option to carve some wouldn't appear.

Text could be something like:

You see a fluffball looking a bit lonely, and it says "Hey there! I'm bored. Do you have any eggs you want to carve together?"
[Maul] [Carve 2 Ostrich Eggs]

Choosing [Maul] would kill the rabbit, of course, resulting in +1 Fluffball Point and either a Bunny Carcass or Fluffy Bunny Carcass.

[Carve together] requires 2 Ostrich Eggs - one for your lion and one for the fluffball! It can result in 1-2 Carved Easter Eggs.
> "You nibble the egg as delicately as you can until, miraculously, you finish carving it fully. It's not great, but it's passable! The fluffball happily gives you his own newly carved egg, congratulating you on a job well done." +2 EE
> "You try to carve the egg with your enormous fangs, but alas, the shell was too delicate and it broke. Booo. The fluffball consoles you, giving you his perfectly carved egg." +1 EE


My other suggestions:
Masterpost here

This suggestion has 27 supports and 0 NO supports.

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πŸŽƒπŸ‚ leon (g1
full BO ukame) (#211229)

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Posted on
2024-04-26 12:18:30
Sounds super cute! I love mask encounters and I wouldn't mind one like this at all

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