Posted by (Giving first heat away!) 1SB to Tigon PROJECT!
4m3li44 (#472031)

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Posted on
2024-05-28 09:20:47

1SB to Young & low gen Tigon PROJECT!


Hi!! I’m just documenting the trades of this project, it’s basically me trying to get my first ever tigon! :)

I hope you can support me. <3

I will be giving away the first heat of the tigon to the people who contributed when the project is completed!

Thank you to all who supported & as always, have a great day/night/anytime you’re in! :>


trade 1

what was in the trade: 1
what was gained: RMA by Ar1 (#471915) (thank you so much! <3)

trade 2

what was in the trade: RMA
what was gained: (ongoing, the trade: clicky!


what was in the trade:
what was gained:


what was in the trade:
what was gained:


what was in the trade:
what was gained:


what was in the trade:
what was gained:

Giveaway winner of the heat details

You will have to provide your own items unless I want to provide the items (Buffy, stallion, IBF)
You are required to provide a Buffy & IBF! <3
You can use any stud you’d like & provide the fee!
If you get two tigons I get one tigon. :)

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Edited on 28/05/24 @ 09:26:31 by amelia <3(Crested, unholy mut) (#472031)

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