Posted by G1 9x Interstellar King Dorsal Boost

Cas - 9x Inter G1
Poly (#424639)

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Posted on
2024-05-30 17:22:49
Hey! Auctioning the dorsal boost for my king!

He is a G1 Polycaudal King with all nine Interstellar markings/base, who can sell as himself for close to 200 GB based on a previous 9x inter clone.

SB: 20
MI: 1

Giant Tort 1
Buffy Balls 19
Lion Scrote 15
GOPs 8
Crunchy Worms 40
Roasted Lamb/Red bull 2
Lion Meat 5
Interstellar Markings / The materials to make it 90
Interstellar Remnants 60

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Edited on 30/05/24 @ 17:25:43 by Cas - 9x Inter G1 Poly (#424639)

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