Kerberos's Art Sales (WIP) Info! Adoptables (Wolves)
Lion art prices are listed with the bases, pricing varies depending on how complex the lion you want done is. The format for ordering a lion art is as follows
Name, Id:
Offer price:
Special Requests:
The wolf adopts are released occasionally. However, they are breedable and tradeable. The wolves will be listed with their name, price, life stage, gender, and fertility levels. Wolves come in Male, Female, or Hermaphrodite. Hermaphrodite's can be paired with either Males or Females (or other Hermaphrodites). If paired with a Male, the pairing will use the Herm's fertility. If paired with a Female, the pairing will use the Female's fertility. If paired with another Herm, the pairing will use both fertilities added together and divided by two. Hermaphrodite's fertility levels are natually lower than that of Females and will end up producing more uncommon coloring, patterns, and perhaps even mutations. Some fertility levels will be hidden before a wolf is purchased. To reveal a fertility level costs 100sb. Or, you can take your chances on whatever it may be.
Fertility levels affect the amount of pups per litter. 100% fertility= 5 pups in a litter. 75% fertility= 4 pups in a litter. 50% fertility= 2-3 pups in a litter. 25% fertility= 1-2 pups in a litter. <25% fertility= 1 pup in a litter, but a higher chance at new colors, patterns, and mutations.
If you wish to purchase a wolf, simply request them by name in the thread. First come, first serve.
If you wish to breed your wolves (you can breed with wolves owned by other players), then you must comment which wolves are being paired together. The price for each breeding is 500sb. If you are breeding with somebody else's wolf, both players must post in the comments with permission and explicitly stating who is getting the pups.
If you want to breed your wolves but don't wish to keep all of the pups, you may sell them back to me. I will buy pups for 250sb each, regardless of gender, fertility, color, pattern, or mutation. You have the choice on how many pups you keep, which ones you keep, and which ones to sell. If you don't wish to sell a pup back to me, you may trade them with other players (again, not for SB/GB). Pups sold back to me will be put up for sale on the thread as second gens (or whatever generation they are).
Trading wolves must be posted in the comments and agreed upon by both players. Wolves may be traded for other wolves, items, lions, but NOT SB/GB.
Aging your wolf doesn't take much. You can add an age level to your wolf once a day and will cost 50sb or any feather or skull. You can age as many wolves in one day as you'd like, but may only age each wolf once per day. If you age a wolf, you must wait until the day after the next until you may age it again (say you age a wolf on Monday, then you must wait until Wednesday to age them again).
Wolves can not be bred until they are adults. The age stages include: pup, adolescent, adult, and senior. Adult wolves become seniors after they have been bred 3 times, so be picky when it comes to what wolves you decide to breed.
You may "turn back time" on a senior wolf in order to breed them again for the price of 1gb, allowing them to breed once more per gb.
This is an EXAMPLE based off of Phospholipid
This base is for sale starting at 10gb depending on difficulty! Includes 1 male lion with indepth markings and coloring
This base is for sale starting at 5gb depending on difficulty! Includes one lion, a little derpy (available as a pfp)
This base is for sale starting at 15gb depending on difficulty! This includes 2 lionesses, 1 young cub, and 2 older cubs
This base is for sale starting at 7gb, includes one lioness and one cub (available as a pfp)
This base is for sale starting at 3gb, includes a pfp of a male lion.