Posted by Auto Scrolling for Beetle Battles

g1 Triple Rosette
🇸 (#422630)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2024-06-10 06:40:54
Just like how the training autoscrolls to the next beetle, this would just be a convenience thing, but it really would help with larger beetle mounds!

I like to battle my beetles but it does take a bit longer having to pick each beetle to fight instead of it auto scrolling to the next one.

It’s a small ask but y’all it would make my life so much easier

This suggestion has 7 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Bandit Gambit
[Project] (#98263)

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Posted on
2024-06-10 10:05:02
It's been a long time since I've battled beetles, but I think it should automatically pick the next one if you refresh your page? You can also refresh in the middle of the battle and it'll still count, but you'll have to go to your user log to see what you got, I believe. Makes it go faster.

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