Posted by Looking for heir again-
SaltedButter (#251765)

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Posted on
2024-06-12 09:16:35
Hi there! I am currently looking for a heir for my side account! I would like them to either a pretty primal with plenty of stats and markings to pass down onto his kids, or either a tovero pie or a blood themed patches! I have 6 gb as of the moment but i plan to buy 100 gb tonight! Let me know if you have a cub fitting the description.(i will take females if their sex changeable.)

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NOT ROLL (#229613)

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Posted on
2024-06-12 10:02:54
I have a G2 1300 statter, he's a double Rosette which makes him worth 150 (I'm dropping his price to 100 though cause he's a but older (7))

Currently Primal MoDs are 7+gb on branches but I do have a Ticked pie MoD too

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Eevee2015 (PRIVATE
STUD) (#457377)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2024-06-14 21:30:55
I have these lions you can look at! I dont mind to sell you a primal mod as well for 5GB

Edit: Oops i accidently sent this on my side instead of my main. So if theyre under warrick its just my main account. I have this 503 g4 Ognoad that you can use a primal mod on he will be weaned tomorrow. g3 patches with 7 BO can be base changed to be bloody in color still sex changeable I have this g3 11/15 NRLC that you can apply the primal mod too 306 stats Not high stats but a high BO olive nrlc.

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Edited on 14/06/24 @ 21:32:53 by Eevee2015 (G1 2.3.23 Olive RLC (#457377)

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