Posted by Cubs checking.

< 3 (#326413)

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Posted on
2024-06-18 08:11:13
I just need to know how much each of these cubs would go for, or if they're just fodders.

Cub 1:
Cub 2:

Cub 3:
Cub 4:

Cub 5:

Please and thank you! :3

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WheelJack (#430107)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2024-06-20 12:06:07
These cubs are just fodder in my opinion. For these types of cubs I normally add 5 SB onto its price for each marking. Here's an example, If you have a cub with three markings add 5 for each marking. That will make it 15 sb. If you're looking to get GB instead, you're best luck is to sell mutated lions. You can sometimes find other lions with the same mutations up for sale and price them accordingly.

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