Posted by Mittens and Kittens Cattery [Interactive]

⭐ ely [#1 hamilton
liker] (#470836)

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Posted on
2024-06-19 16:12:11

You approach a well lit den, your ears perking in response to the chattering of lionesses and the faint meows of kittens. Kittens? Are you hearing things? You push through the thick, beaded curtain, two lionesses meet your gaze and rise to their paws to greet you.

Hello! Welcome to Mittens and Kittens Cattery! This is an interactive "gacha" type of adoption center. All cats are made on the same base, but I have different bases for kittens, adolescents, and adults!



★ Note: if you already have a cat, bringing them with you in your exploration will increase your chance of getting a mutated kitty by 5%!

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Edited on 19/06/24 @ 19:14:54 by ⭐ ely [#1 hamilton liker] (#470836)

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