Posted by Currency Transfer When Hiding Event Activity

felinenostalgic - g1
basalt (#139484)

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Posted on
2024-06-29 19:31:30
As I'm doing the Jaglion challenge and exploring a lot, I turned off event activity so I wouldn't get snake encounters. But the minor downside is that I have to unhide the event activity in order to transfer monkey teeth, gold beetles, and silver beetles to my side, and I'm unfortunately very forgetful. So I keep forgetting to re-hide event activity.

Of course this feature of hiding the currency transfer is probably a leftover feature from before you could transfer non-event currency. But it's been long enough that I think maybe a bit of a revamp is in order; so, a revamp that either...

1. shows ALL currency transfer options, as that might be easier to code(?)


2. separate the top three rows from the rest when hiding all event activity, leaving them to display below the "You are currently hiding all event related activity on the site. Unhide?" message

This suggestion has 8 supports and 0 NO supports.

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