Posted by 0GB Barked FULL* First Gen Jaglion Heats

Sunny (G1 3x ros
Cimm) (#390417)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-04 23:25:44

Hello everyone!

I’m offering a hell of a deal here, but with a catch! I’m trying to breed the first Dawn base Jaglion! And I want your help!

So yes, these are full heats I’m offering, any cubs you get from them will be yours, UNLESS a Dawn base Jaglion is born. I’m also requiring the use of a Dawn King for this very reason (and will link Kings that can be used for free if you don’t have one)!

Here she is: Image is clickable!

‪‪❤︎‬ Rules:
✧ Offer only what you have.
✦ Please be courteous to others on this thread!
✧ She will not leave my pride or the one she’s in right now.
✦ This will be done through studding, not reverse breeding.
✧ This is for a full heat with all items provided by the buyer. Any items can be used on her except CRB. Some items incur an additional fee (listed below).
✦ All heats require use of 20 yohimbe barks, a buffalo scrotum, an IBF, and a Dawn stud.
✧ By commenting on this thread, you agree to the terms laid out here, including that any Dawn base Jaglion born of the heat will remain with its mother.

‪‪❤︎‬ Item fees:
✧ Gnawrock Fee: 10GB
✦ Crunchy Fee: 10GB

‪‪❤︎‬ Accepted Payment:
✦ Breeding items
✧ MODs
✦ Apps

Dawn kings that can be used for no extra fee:
Double Rosette Dawn with MS

Hexa Dawn with rare slot

High BO MR Dawn

HTML by Pintosavvy 329193

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Edited on 05/07/24 @ 19:21:02 by Sunny (G1 3x ros Cimm) (#390417)

🌼Callie🌼 (#138521)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-11 06:07:29
Hi! Is this still available?

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Sunny (G1 3x ros
Cimm) (#390417)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-12 07:12:00
Yes they are! I’m on vacation right now but the pride she’s in is handling her for me if you want a heat! 💖

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