Posted by Details Prior to Purchasing Showcase

☼ | Mora Sun | ☼ (#477409)

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Posted on
2024-07-05 08:59:58
My suggestion is coming from perspnal experience.
I noticed that showcase does not have a brief summary or description of what it is on the page, prior to the option to purchase the unlock with gold beetles.
I expected it to be like a showcase of maybe your favorite or notable lions, it is not that, so I have wasted the gb for a feature I won't be using. I am not upset, but it is very annoying considering gb get expensive for some people and not everyone thinks to google the wiki before purchasing.
So, my suggestion is that the Lioden team consider putting a brief summary / description of what the showcase actually is on the page prior to the option to purchase. This way, there would not be any confusion for any newer players.

This suggestion has 5 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 05/07/24 @ 09:01:01 by ☼ | Mora Sun | ☼ (#477409)

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