Posted by Dove's Auction house! 🔥 ALWAYS OPEN

Dovey wovey (#471216)

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Posted on
2024-07-09 22:45:34
Hihi! Auctioning designs here


1. Once bought, you have full rights to the character!

2. Please credit me if anyone ever asks about the character! I love when people find my work through others.

3. ONLY pay what you have!

4. You will ALWAYS pay first before I send the character, no negotiations

I will add more as time goes on!

Character will be sold 3 days after the last bid!

Meet Kalika Amulet, the maned wolf! Or, whatever you might change her name to.. Kalika's been lurking in the shadows for millions of years, quietly feasting on the blood of innocent people- you heard that right, she's a VAMPIRE !But, now you can make her into.. anything!

SB: 15 GB
Minimum bid increase: 5 GB
AB 1: 45 GB

I will take apps, hybrids, jag boosts, and breeding items for their lowest branch prices!
Every 990 SB is 1 GB


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Edited on 06/08/24 @ 17:43:40 by Dovey wovey (#471216)

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