Posted by No jaguars in explore 😭😵

kittenly (G1
Interstell kiwi) (#181543)

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Posted on
2024-07-11 13:50:41
What gameplay feature is this bug affecting?
Adventure, explore

What's the issue? Please include any error messages you receive and as much detail as possible.
Today third day of adventure with jaglions was started here on my side account.
The task is find 5 jaguars in explore, 5 on user profiles.
I started task as soon as I rollovered. I went to explore and met one jaguar encounter soon. It was soon after rollover. For me it is day time, and during the day I was exploring when my energy regenerated.
Then I saw NO JAGUARS.
Wiki says it can take about 6 energy bars. I don't know how many bars I spent, but a lot for sure.
(Some energy after I met first encounter)
1 of daily boost.
All that regenerated naturally during the whole day (probably 4 bars?)
150% from celestial stone.
20% of marrow bone

My progress is
1/5 jaguars found in explore.

5/5 jaguars found in dens.

You have not fulfilled your task yet.

Any links relating to this bug? For example, if a particular lion is bugging, what is the link to that lion?

Any screenshots you can provide us with?

Please provide us with step by step explanation how this bug happened so we can attempt to replicate it. If it's complex, please include screenshots where possible:
I spent many bars of energy and I didn't meet any jaguar encounter after I met it for the first time during my first energy bar spent after rollover

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Ishild (#45980)

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Posted on
2024-07-12 11:49:19
I've also been playing Invasion of the Spots, I activated it on June 28th and I've only had four encounters in explore. I play every day, sometimes exploring multiple times a day but haven't seen anything since about my second rollover after activating. Wondering if there are issues with the game pushing explore encounters? I've maxed all my steps in explore but have only seen four explore encounters.

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Paige (#181001)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-07-13 12:52:41
How do you find jaguars in dens? Ive almost completed the task and cant seem to make progress on finding jaguars in dens im not sure if im not doing it properly or how im supposed to go about it

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Miles89(DM me the
word Pie) (#478095)

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Posted on
2024-07-17 02:57:09
@Paige hi!! I just looked through all of my friends den, and then proceed through there

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Elysian (#442526)

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Posted on
2024-08-13 08:24:30
Excuse me! This question may be unrelated question, how does one breed with a jaguar? I keep seeing the prompts regarding a jaguar in other people's dens.. but i can't quite understand how to breed one myself?

This may seem like a dumb question but I only just got back on lioden after months of being away..

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Fiery Lioness (#298660)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-08-19 22:04:16
@Elysian, the message will show up on accounts that have completed the invasion of spots storyline (if they didn’t use up all of their boosts already.) The message basically means they have a slightly higher chance of breeding a jaglion for x breedings. (Depending on how many times they bred their lionesses after they completed the storyline) That is what it means when it refers to lioness on a date with a jaguar. Hope that made sense

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Edited on 19/08/24 @ 22:06:27 by Fiery Lioness (#298660)

Elysian (#442526)

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Posted on
2024-08-19 23:43:42
OH yeah that makes sense, I must be a bit late to the event then haha! Thank you anyways for the explanation! :)

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