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Posted by | Ferus king! |
Coyotes side|G2 NebSeer (#245995) Maneater View Forum Posts Posted on 2024-07-12 16:32:41 |
IMPORTANT LINKS https://www.lioden.wiki/raffle-marking-slot-rarity https://www.lioden.wiki/misc-marking-slot-rarity (ty topaz for these 2) HELLOOOOOO Ive officially decided to start my first ever breeding project! this is v important to me since i really love ferus's and want a king ik ill love forever (no offence loy, you are pretty but i missed all the stuff i had planned for you with my long ass break from lioden-) Picked up the project 2024-07-12 , but i still need 5 gb for the extra cave slot+all the cave mats! when ill get all those things i dunno but ill update the forum with the official starting date asap. Fist off, as i stated, this is my first real project in lioden. because of this, i have no idea what the fuck I'm doing- I'm a very relaxed player, though i love my muies I'm not too aggressive with breeding them and trying to pop as many out as possible, nor do i buy gb or tend to spend my whole day on lioden grinding to get gb. because of this I'm broke asf- i do not know jackshit about breeding in this game. I'm very open abt that, please let me know what i can do better to make things easier for myself, i don't know about combos or what bases people like, i don't know about what bases make what based cubs or if something is BO or rare in lioden players eyes- I will take tips and help with this project from more experienced players! feel free to yap below, would love help ACC < 3 Wardrobe link to king - https://www.lioden.com/wardrobe.php?c=drUo0FSpAw lmk if that works here are my main goals LOW GEN - G3 or lower, would prefer a g2 since I'm an absolute sucker for low gens. highest gen ill go is prob g4 <3 (i cant get a g1 gang rip) SOME BO TRAITS/ROSETTES - Make pretty cubs, get stud reqs , would overall make me love the guy a lot more. aiming for 2 or 3 rosettes BASE- I need a good base for him! I'm thinking ice, phantom or seer but lmk your recs! i want something me and players will like but i do want a king with some nice darks, lights and contrast. I'm not a fan of colorbombs at all- i will mut rep if needed but someone has to teach me so i do it right- IF ANYONE IS WILLING YOU CAN SEND ME THINGS TO HELP WITH THIS PROJECT BUT I WILL NOT BE ASKING FOR ANYTHING, i am NOT an e-begger XD, I'm happy to work for my dream king. just lmk before you send anything please. DEN LINK- I will post my breeding batches here <3 wish me luck! ICE IS A COMBO FACTOR FOR- Cairngorm,Elysian,Esker (wet season),Hoarfrost (night during wet season),Rime(wet season, day time),Snowflake(wet season), LISTTT - Ochre Gnawrocks, %100 chance of passing down a chosen marking. (september) -Spicy ice app + ice mane app, my heirs base. (i don't fucking know what month, December prob) Feline app : ebony (gorilla enclave 300 monkey teeth.) Optional list -Mukombero. unless studding to a ferus or breeding one there is no chance of getting one. i do want this since i would prefer a very low-gen lion. if i do get this, ill prob king a groupie temporarily so my king is g1, then use this item so the guy is g2^ https://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429352890 (march if still available) to be added, i got no idea what i need. FOR THE 2ND TIME PLEASE LMK IF YOU SEND ME ANYTHING!!!! IM GOING THROUGH NCLS CONSTANTLY AND PUTTING THEM THROUGH THE PORTAL. 1 player likes this post! Like? Edited on 13/07/24 @ 15:27:12 by Khemaru |G3 deadal (#245995) |
Brooke(*Frozen)! (#49097)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts Posted on 2024-07-12 16:48:03 |
I think skeletal base,moss agate based and mane color due for combo bases bushveld n mistletoe personally? 0 players like this post! Like? |
Topaz (#153154)
Apocalyptic View Forum Posts Posted on 2024-07-12 17:02:13 |
Advice from someone currently in Breeding Project Hell (and has been for nearly a year now, lmao) -- focus on getting the appearance you want, and then focus on getting a mutation rep Since you can keep the appearance of your retiring king when you're kinging a heir, but mutations/generation/stats are attached to a specific heir/king, it's way easier to get a lion with the appearance you want, and then grab a potato with the mutation you want (in this case, low-gen Ferus). People usually call these heritage reps/mutation reps/stats rep (etc), depending on why they picked a specific heir Unless you're planning on keeping any of your breeding project lionesses after you get your king, don't stress about generation or inbreeding. All of those things can be wiped clean on your king Additionally, I don't think you can get a g1 Ferus -- lowest gen you can get is g2 Grind in October for Gnawrocks. The easiest way to get a double rosette is to use two Ochre Gnawrocks (one on the mother, one on the father) to combine their rosettes onto their cubs. However, it's probably more economical to just buy a double rosette cub unless you're going for two specific rosettes, or if you have other BO traits you want Also, I highly recommend checking these two wiki pages: https://www.lioden.wiki/raffle-marking-slot-rarity https://www.lioden.wiki/misc-marking-slot-rarity These show which BO slots are common, rare, nonexistent, etc. You'll also want to utilize the Search function too, especially if you're wanting a rare slot, but it's super important to make sure any BO markings you want actually exist before you get too attached to them. You don't want to get really attached to Spice Brindle s10 and then realize no lions in the game actually have it 0 players like this post! Like? |
Coyotes side|G2 NebSeer (#245995) Maneater View Forum Posts Posted on 2024-07-12 17:09:01 |
TY TOPAZ super helpful, went ahead and checked all the rosettes i wanted and they are all in game in the slots i want too < 333 also, got my wardrobe link up! open to opinions <3 0 players like this post! Like? |
Topaz (#153154)
Apocalyptic View Forum Posts Posted on 2024-07-12 17:23:31 |
No problem! I had a ton of help with my projects, so it's nice to pay it forward It looks like the only stuff that you can't get with applicators would be s3 Vitiligo 3, s4 Vitiligo 1, s6 Onyx Rosette, s8 Onyx Shaded Rosette, and s9 Ebony Soft Rosette My advice would be to focus on getting those BO traits on some lionesses, and combining them together -- s3 and s4 should be pretty easy, the rosettes might give you some trouble Once you get one of the rosettes onto a lioness with your vitiligos (which might take a Gnawrock and Ochre Powder on its own), you'll want to Ochre Powder (on your girl to hopefully pass both vitiligos) + two Ochre Gnawrocks (one on your lioness for the rosette, one on the stud for another rosette) + a Buffy or GoP to hopefully give you a cub with 2 rosettes and 2 vitiligos. Multiple cubs would be best, since you could King one and keep breeding the other to try for that third rosette Note: This (imo) is the most economical option. Technically you could skip the Ochre Powder and Buffy/GoPs and just use Gnaws, but it'd likely take more litters to get what you want, and it's easily 70+ gb per litter in Gnawrocks alone The third rosette is gonna be tougher, since rosettes have a low chance of passing naturally and you can't Gnawrock 3 markings. I don't have enough experience with high rosette breeding to give good advice on that, it might come down to luck 0 players like this post! Like? |
Coyotes side|G2 NebSeer (#245995) Maneater View Forum Posts Posted on 2024-07-12 21:55:27 |
IMP- Cleared one of my current caves since it had nothing special going on, this one will do for now though ill prob save up and get that extra cave slot to put my muties in- OFFICIAL LINK! has been put in original post. (kinda wishing i had made the first post post to put important stuff there XD)https://www.lioden.com/cave.php?id=296157 Guess that means I've officially started? wish me luck! Been claiming and portal'ing ncls since it has a chance to give sb, so far I've gotten about 800 (still playing pretty relaxed) though tmrw I'm going to try and pick up a more aggressive playing style. going to take a look at the wiki and see next months even but I'm pretty sure you can but GOPS and buffys. either that or its next next months event. gotta prep for that too. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Coyotes side|G2 NebSeer (#245995) Maneater View Forum Posts Posted on 2024-07-13 08:11:01 |
MORE UPDATES https://www.lioden.com/lion.php?id=794221665953 I OFFICIALLY HAVE A NEW HEIR. I am unhappy with my current queen since shes just pretty mid so this is the new girl check her bio , i alr have stuff set up for her. shes going to be a lot better than loy AND SHES G2. got her for 1.5k sb, market is still pretty shit so everything is super cheap- once the jag stuff dies down and the market evens out I'm sure she will make a good stud! YES THE PROJECT IS STILL GOING ON, but since the cubs my queen pops out are pretty shit color wise, i thought a new heir would be helpful. going to give her a fewwww more markings and if i have extra money by the end of the event ill toss a few rmas on her? 0 players like this post! Like? |
jude [G2 TRI ROS FERUS] � (#173046) Studmuffin View Forum Posts Posted on 2024-07-13 09:45:32 |
Coyotes side|G2 NebSeer (#245995) Maneater View Forum Posts Posted on 2024-07-28 12:29:57 |
HI everyone, thought i would give a little update! Im focused on using up my jag boosts, butttt i did re-king! love my new girl to bits, thinking of giving her a little lore too but she makes the prettiest cubs! already passed her mut (to someone who studded to her) so shes doing pretty great so far! hoping she will pass a con. combo! 0 players like this post! Like? |
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