Posted by LF heir

Mr,pr (#301023)

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Posted on
2024-07-18 18:16:43
LF a lion under 2 has to be sex change if a female what I'm looking for on the lion/adol
1. Phantom rosette
2. Royal, Savage, tsavo mane type
3. Would like breed only marks doesn't have to be many js 5at least
4. Would like breed only mane color and eyes but not needed
(Currently 249gb in items plus 5ksb)
I have apps decor bgs a lion scrot all the apps decor interstellar app and backgrounds are from this event and a majority of the decor is from this event&crafting

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Edited on 18/07/24 @ 19:27:03 by ❤️☣️poison☣️❤️ (#301023)

Exoleta-{G1 2.6k
Svelte Haze} (#418921)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2024-07-22 14:36:38
14BO with PR and MS
I have this dude up for trade! He's got Tsavo mane, Phantom Rosette, and all bo traits except base and s6! Only issue is he's right over 2 lol

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Edited on 22/07/24 @ 14:37:34 by Alchemist-[G2 Daedal Orchid] (#418921)

Mr,pr (#301023)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-22 16:03:01
I did look at him too 😭 he's so beautiful I no longer have the interstellar app and the lion scrot unfortunately but I do have everything else tbh I forgot this post existed and forgot to update it

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