Posted by ❓️Mystery boxes❓️

ForestFox (#459645)

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Posted on
2024-07-24 02:16:17
Hello, and welcome to my mystery box shop!
All of these boxes contain 5-10 items
Here are the items that you could get:

Crafting items

Decor (event, monkey business, gorilla enclave etc)
Backgrounds (event, monkey business, gorilla enclave etc)
Special use items (minigame prizes, monkey business items etc)

Oasis items/decor/backgrounds

There are 3 different types of boxes you can buy:

Common box:
Cost- 1 or 1000
Item chances:
Common- 70%
Uncommon- 25%
Rare- 5%

Uncommon box:
Cost- 3 or 3000
Item chances:
Common- 50%
Uncommon- 40%
Rare- 10%

Rare box:
Cost- 5 or 5000
Item chances:
Common- 35%
Uncommon- 45%
Rare- 20%

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Edited on 24/07/24 @ 02:31:41 by ForestFox (she/they) (#459645)

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