Posted by Seeking Ambrosia with Phantom rosette

Moo [Ambrosia Dawn] (#146102)

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Posted on
2024-07-24 15:50:43
Hello Im seeking to get a male or sex changable Ambrosia based lion with phantom rosette

I have lots of things I can trade

I have a Cimmerian du thats seven years old
I have tons and I mean tons of apps.
I might trade away my du before one comes into existence if I do ill remove any mention of her from this post

Maybe ill trade a hybrid for one who knows. 😂
I know ambrosias with phantom rosette do not exist yet! Im sadly aware. Maybe someone will see this and start a project for me.

Should multiple come into existence at the same time, I prefer slot 2 phantom rosette and I prefer dawn or dusk eyes.

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