Selling Axion Cores! Hello! I'm selling axion cores for gbs! As of right now I have: 500/500 CORES This can be any array of decor and apps for their average branch GB price! Current average prices for APPLICATORS are: ALL MANE APPS: 1 or 500 SUNRISE MARKINGS: 3 SUNSET MARKINGS 2 NEUTRON MARKINGS: 1 FLARE MARKINGS: 1 UPLIFTED FLARE MARKINGS: 2 SPLENDOR MARKINGS: 2 UPLIFTED SPLENDOR MARKINGS: 3 VALIANT MARKINGS: 2 UPLIFTED VALIANT: 3 ASTRAL FIRE: 4 CURSE OF DIVINE: 4 HEAVENLY SERENITY: 1 TOUCH OF DEMIURGE: 4 DECOR (29 AND LOWER CORES): 2GB DECOR (30-50 CORES) 3
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