Rogue Queen’s Fae Fangs Fae Fangs: Auctions
Heya I’m Maze and I’ll be happy to help you set up a stall! Simply fill out this form below and I will set you up something nice right here! Now of course I have a few rules...
You can only sell what you have and it must be Fae Fang related (i.e. Fae Fangs, Trinkets, Shop Items, etc.)
Your Auctions have a limit of five days but can be shorter than that.
You can trade as well (i.e. I’ll trade this Fang for another one or a Fermented Fruit)
While an auction may end it’s not over until I get confirmation that the Owner has been paid if it’s /
There will be no fighting any discourse will be dealt with by me which could end in banning
If the winner of an auction is refusing to pay then they better have a good reason or I will have to get involved which could end in banning
These could change or be added to at any point and I will make a post here and on the main thread
For Auction
Time Limit:
Starting Price:
Limited Increasement:
Buy Out/Tradeable(optional):
For Straight Sale