Posted by ❦Akani's Draconic Hybrids!❦ [OPEN]

✧Tai [G2 Ennedi DR
3.6k stats] (#291789)

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Posted on
2024-07-28 05:27:35

❦Akani's Draconic Hybrids❦

❦Akani's Draconic Hybrids❦ is a fun way to get unique adoptables through lioden! These adoptables consist of 7 draconic creature mixed with real animals! The hybrids are:
- A Wolf x Dragon hybrid | WDH
- A Saber Tooth Tiger x Drake hybrid | STDH
- A Ferret x Lung/Long Dragon hybrid | FLDH
- A Two Legged Salamander x Lindwyrm hybrid | SLWH
- A Corn Snake x Wyrm hybrid | CSWH
- A Macaw Parrot x Amphithere hybrid |MPAH
- A Jerboa x Wyvern hyrbid | JWH

Every person gets their first hybrid for free! See more info Here

As well, feel free to leave any questions/comments on this thread or just chat!

*Note: "Akani" is a lion I made up for this because why not?


Important Links

In case you were wondering, "What do those terms mean?"

Dragon = Four Limbs, Two Wings

Drake = Four Limbs, No Wings

Lung/Long Dragon = Four Limbs, No Wings, Longer body compared to a Drake

Lindwyrm = Two Front Limbs, No Wings

Wyrm = No Limbs, No Wings

Amphithere = No Limbs, Two Wings

Wyvern = Two Hind Limbs, Two Wings

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Edited on 30/07/24 @ 12:37:04 by ✧Tai [G3 Khunum Mosaic]✧ (#291789)

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