Hello everyone! I’m now getting into making guides and I feel I should make a guide everyone wants, SB earning!
This guide is mainly for new players, but of course anyone can use it! So this will be super in-depth and have explanations for everything lol
We all love money, so simple ways to make it are AMAZING! I have a few of my own ways to make SB and many I’ve learned from other people!
Double Accounts!
This is SOOOO helpful in currency grinding, for EVERY currency!
On lioden, you are allowed to have two accounts you may use (primarily called your main, the first account you created, and your side, the account created after!)
On your accounts you can bring in DOUBLE income from all of these tips and tricks! It’s super useful!
Selling NCLs!
NCLs are VERY common of course, and people have TONS of breeding projects! So, here is one EASY way to make money!
Go exploring and claim NCLs, daily. Grab, say 5 or so, 10 if you have them, and bundle them in a trade! Make sure they’re in heat, they’ll sell faster!
Go to TC (trading center) and make a trade, title it “(x amount of NCLs) NCLs in Heat!” and then price it at 20 sb per lioness! So 5 NCLs in heat would be 100 SB! Eventually someone will buy it and you’ll be 100 SB richer!
If you sell 5 NCLs in heat every day for 10 days that’s one GB easy!
You barely need anything for this! Grab any 5 lionesses, NCLs, chased lionesses, so long as they’re 5 adult female lions!
Send them out hunting every 30 minutes! If you’re online a bunch and can get them through all 10 hunts a day, get a second team of lionesses!
Put them hunting in marshlands, jungles, or watering holes, those give the most use carcasses which you can flip for profit!
If you want fast cash, sell it to Monkey Business for whatever SB you want, but this won’t give you just as much! Or, wait till you get 100 food uses from a bunch of carcasses, then bundle them in a trade and sell for 1000 SB or 1 GB!
And a reminder, you DONT need to feed/play with your lions daily! Feed and play with them every few days!
Stud requests are a simple, no-effort way to gain SB and occasionally GB!
Try and get a lion that looks PRETTY! I have two accounts, one king is a double rosette combo factor base, while one has some breed-only traits and has a random breed-only base. Guess who gets more studs?
Preferably your king should have a mutation! Any is fine really, but people like primals and piebalds the most. And preferably SOME breed-only traits!
(Breed-only is traits that can only be acquired from the weekly raffle lionesses bred off onto her cubs, sometimes they get put into random marking applicators after a while!)
Stats are also a HUGE deal! Having good stats means a desirable king! If your king has 500-1000 stats expect to get at least a few stud slots weekly!
If you accept GB for stud slots, make sure to offer refunded studs! Refunded stud are where you pay extra now to not pay later.
If you’re going to use a refunded stud on say my king, you’d send the request with the payment, and I’d send the payment back after breeding your lioness!
Events are BIG in this game! Event items can sell for a LOT!! Breeding items are huge in this game, so everyone will want them, but thing is, you should sell them OUT of that event season! They’re going to be worth much more then.
If you grind an event, say, most popular event, the Febuary event, you can get RICH RICH out of Febuary! Feb is breeding item GALORE! Buffalo scrotums (buffies), Lion scrotums (lion balls), Yohimbe barks (yoh barks/barks), and grain of paradise (gop), are all available for purchase!
In event, say buffies, they’d go for 10-13ish gb, but out of event? 20-25 gb easy. If you’re a good hoarder, you’ll get rich.
Other events may not have as much, say, July event I suppose. Base apps and markings apps can go for a few gb out of event, maybe 1 gb in event sometimes.
Try and grind event currency for ALL events then advertise in sales chat! In sales chat, you’ll type “Selling (x amount of) (this events currency) pm me to negotiate!” And people may private message (pm) you about it! I just sold 300 axion cores (ac) to someone for 3 gb cause I posted that in sales chat! And try and learn event currency lingo, it saves a LOT of time lol
Games are super simple, easy ways to make a few SB!
Cups are easy, may get 30 sb, a feather, a background, whatever!
Raffle may turn 10 sb into 1000 sb! Pretty easy right?
Slots are pretty simple but kinda not worth it in my opinion (I just have bad luck-) it’s 50 sb and you MAY get something worth your while! I only play if I have 50 sb laying around and don’t have anything to spend it on
Baoball doesn’t give you items or currency, but it DOES give stats! Which of course is good! (see studding if you haven’t!)
Trivia is GREAT! It can give you 60 SB a day for answering questions! (Select difficult mode EVERY TIME for max profit! Each question at max difficulty gives 20 sb, answer 3 and get 60 sb! (There’s an answer sheet on the wiki! You don’t even need to guess for this!)
Serengeti shuffle can give good items! Aim for 3500 - 4444 points for a good item to resell!
I don’t play snake so I don’t have much to say on it, but get good scores and you might get something worth your while!
Liomemo gives no items or currency, so it’s kinda pointless unless you just need something to kill time?
Whack a snake gives prizes I think? Takes forever to get something alright I’ve I’m remembering right.
Pin the prey can give some sb, get I think 7000+ points for a guaranteed zebra heart that you can either sell or use on your own lioness to put her in heat immediately!
If you’re good at art, any kind really, you can profit off it!
I know someone (not naming names lol) who just spent 60 GB ON ART! Quite a few people got some GB from that, why can’t you? If you’re a new artist just try your best and sell for cheap now! If you progress, start selling for more!
This doesn’t just apply to drawing! People pay for writing (lore, poetry, whatever), drawings, CSS sales (I spent 7 gb on my CSS, all I had to do was provide pictures!) (and CSS is like a custom den layout there’s tutorials and all in other forums!) and whatever other art medium you can think of!
And, people will pay for you to create a custom decor for them! If you want to learn how, one of the creators of Lioden (Xylax, a wonderful artist who pops up in chat occasionally!) has tutorials on how to make custom decor!)
I hope this helped a few people gain some sb or gb today!
If you have any advice or want me to add another thing to the list, just say! I’ll be happy to change it up!