Posted by LF G2 G1 Tigon! 🔥

Tisha|G1 6x Rosette
Leonid| (#161397)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-08-08 01:29:46
Hiya, I'm looking to buy a G2 G1 Tigon to complete my G1 Hybrid collection.

Here are some requirements:
1. Has to be G2 - born from a heritageless lioness
2. Has to come with the mother, or the mother has to have a nice name (Particular about heritage!)
3. Has to be younger than 5 years old, ideally younger than 2 if possible!

What I have to offer:
Pure GB - up to 1.5K
Breeding Items (Buffies, Lion Balls, Yohimbes etc)
G1 Pon/Jag if you're looking to swap.

If you have one that meets all the requirements, please link and name your price :)

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Edited on 08/08/24 @ 01:30:35 by Tisha|G1 6x Rosette Leonid| (#161397)

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