Posted by Zebra Heart

Xylitol (#296056)

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Posted on
2024-08-14 08:13:49
If I use a Canopic Jellyfish on my long dead lioness, am I able to use a zebra Heart on her to put her in heat? The canopic Jellyfish won't allow the Lioness to breed so I just want to know before I do anything

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Garlic Bread (#209122)

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Posted on
2024-08-14 08:21:49
Unfortunately not
Using a Canopic Jellyfish will bring back the Lion as Frozen.
A Frozen Lion is essentially dead mechanics wise, they get to stay in your pride and you can modify their appearance and Bio, but they cannot breed, hunt, be kinged, be a broodmother, or patrol or anything that's not cosmetic. They don't even take up normal territory space :o

Thing of them like Statues! You are able to decorate a statue, paint it, or even mold it a little, but they cannot perform any actions!

Hope this helped <3

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Xylitol (#296056)

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Posted on
2024-08-14 10:15:38
Oh ok thankss

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