Posted by Seeking specific marking slots/studs

🔮 (#90700)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-08-15 12:02:50
Hello! I’m starting a breeding project and I’m on the lookout for lions with certain traits obv. Willing to take a look at any cubs with the following traits. I do not care about heritage or stats because I am just trying to breed a looks king to be replaced. I understand some of these markings/slots are rare and I’m willing to negotiate based on that!
Also seeking studs to bookmark who have these traits!

Base: stratosphere, celestial, secondarily rare or special based any color.
Skin: any darker colored BO skin
Eyes: phase, pine, axion, galaxy, spacetime (haven’t really decided my final goal, I love all these eyes though)
Mane: ebony/savage
S1: Noctis okapi
S2: blue/Noctis/sunset/lilac Siamese
S3: fiery belly
S4: phantom rosette
S5: fiery margay
S6: vitiligo 5
S7: feline 4 silver OR feline 4 lilac OR stratosphere feline
S8: feline 2 Noctis
S9: feline 1 Noctis
S10: white underfelt

I still haven’t really decided on some of the markings lol

Depending on the marking(s) I’m looking to pay 50-250sb per lion but I will pay much more for lions with multiple traits. Special based lions obviously worth much more than fodder cub prices. I’ll look at anything!

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Edited on 15/08/24 @ 12:08:26 by 🔮 (#90700)

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