Posted by Change Colour of Korobela Button

☆ Patha [HIATUS] (#80245)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-08-23 05:10:07
Hello! I claim a lot of NCLs, and have been loving the addition of the Korobela item.

However, I also keep an emergency Leopard Orchid with me. Right now, the two buttons look similar (besides the different text). Additionally, they both pop up with a dialog box asking the user to confirm the use of the item, making it easy to mistake the use of a Korobela for the use of a Leopard Orchid.

As well, if you run out of Korobelas, the button disappears, making the Leopard Orchid button the only option. I've almost clicked it more than once :')

My suggestion: Differentiate the two buttons in an obvious way that can be seen at a glance. For example, changing the colours - in explore, encountering an NCL gives you "claim her?" in the default colour, and "fight her?" in red. I think applying the same colour scheme would be helpful.

The Leopard Orchid button could stay as default (consistent with "claim her?", since you are auto-claiming her). Then, the Korobela button could be red (consistent with "fight her?", because you are getting rid of her).

I made some quick little mockups for each theme:

I think colour changes would be the simplest, but any differentiation would be really helpful. Let me know if you have any other suggestions!

This suggestion has 23 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 23/08/24 @ 05:32:28 by ☆ Patha [G2 3x Ros Demi Pie] (#80245)

leon (#208511)

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Posted on
2024-08-23 05:17:27
Doesn't seem like a hard change at all and would be helpful. +1

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123heaven (#108477)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-09-02 05:16:29
Would love this -- I got confused earlier as well <:(. Support!

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