Posted by Selling jag boost's

Kittycuts (#417524)

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Posted on
2024-09-08 01:10:42
Hiya I'm selling 10 jag boost's for 14gb each I can possibly consider lowering the price slightly you can send the lion over hopefully a crb one for the best chance's it's not required I will provide a ibf if you provide the ibf the price will be 12gb you provide nesting materials and once it's all done I'll send the gal back with any cubs

15/15 boost's left

Stuff you need
[Lioness in heat]
[Nesting materials]
[Anything you want to use for the breeding]

Stuff I provide
[Jag boost]
[IBF] - if you pay 14gb

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Edited on 08/09/24 @ 01:41:43 by Kittycuts (#417524)

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