Posted by Clan Banner Cannot Be Found

♡ stella v.2 (#185506)

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Posted on
2024-09-22 21:26:54
What gameplay feature is this bug affecting?

What's the issue? Please include any error messages you receive and as much detail as possible.
I am trying to update my Clan's banner to a new one but I keep getting the message that the image cannot be found & I keep getting reverted to the default banner. It's the proper size (150x80) and format & I've tried using a few different image hosting sites but I continue receiving the same message.

When I tried just putting the old banner back, I received the same message & again, was reverted to the default banner.

Any links relating to this bug? For example, if a particular lion is bugging, what is the link to that lion?
This is the Clan it's happening to -

Any screenshots you can provide us with?

Please provide us with step by step explanation how this bug happened so we can attempt to replicate it. If it's complex, please include screenshots where possible:
- Go to update the Den banner.
- Input the new banner link.
- Hit save.

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Fraekinn [15BO
Constellation] (#57572)

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Posted on
2024-09-23 06:23:41
What's the banner? I know imgur/discord no longer work as image hosts. If you can DM me the banner I can try to fix the image

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