Posted by Chat boxes having colors per room

The Lion Garbage
Disposal Unit (#340827)

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Posted on
2024-09-23 09:57:22
Lol on mobile I just got chat banned because I would switch between chat rooms and not realize I fat fingered the drop down menu and was in the wrong chat. I am wondering to help with this if each room could have a different background color to help differentiate between each room.

Edit: maybe 3 different options for people to select which is best for them
1. Colors as they are now
2. Default colors per room when you select colored chatrooms or whatever
3. Player selected colors per chat room

This suggestion has 13 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 23/09/24 @ 12:07:27 by The Lion Garbage Disposal Unit (#340827)

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2024-09-23 10:41:15
Since you can modify the color of your own messages, it makes sense to allow an option to modify specific chat room colors too.

I don't think I'd want any specific colors added without the option to customize them or toggle on or off. Some people are colorblind to particular colors, so being able to select your own would be great!

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The Lion Garbage
Disposal Unit (#340827)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-09-23 10:50:58
That's a good idea to allow maybe 3 options

1. No change.
2. A default set of colors per room
3. Custom colors per room

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