Posted by Does My Breeding Plan Look Right?

Joy • G1 Albino
Frail (#479095)

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Posted on
2024-09-24 04:05:56
Hello all! I am relatively new to the site and I finally decided what I would want my dream king to look like. I just wanted to make sure that I'm going about it the right way, since he's about 6 weeks from retirement age now.

Step 1: Breed my current king with a G3 lioness with NSR marking and use ochre gnawrock on her to pass her rosette marking. On my king I'll use ochre powder, opal saltlick, and rock salt to increase the chance he will pass his (only) marking as well as skin and eye color.

Step 2: (sex change to male if needed) and king the resulting offspring lion.

Step 3: Breed the new king (G4 now?) with a NCL who has the other marking I want (Feline 9 Noctis) and use ochre gnawrock on her to garuntee she passes it. On this new king I will use ocre gnawrock to ensure he passes his rosette marking, AND use ochre powder, opal saltlick, and rock salt on him as well.

OK SO AT THIS POINT, the offspring would be a G5 lion with NSR, Blue poinsetta fawn, and Feline 9 Noctis marks.

Step 4: (sex change to male if needed) and king the resulting offspring lion.

Step 5: Use a groupie male from the May event (Don't have one yet) as an heir, but select the option to "keep my current males appearance" on him.

So, after all that. I would have a G1/Heritigeless King with NSR, Blue poinsette fawn, and Feline 9 Noctis??

(wardrobe link to what my end goal looks like)

I'm still debating on using crunchy worms on my king(s). I only want an albino base, so it might just be cheaper to use base changers from the oasis instead of crunchy worms. I feel like crunchy worms would be better used for more rare/BO bases.

aaaa...enough yapping
Thank you to anyone who takes the time to look this over and check it for any mistakes!! It really is a big help.

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Terrinthia [G1,
semi-frozen] (#97101)

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Posted on
2024-09-24 06:41:59
Personally, I would recommend waiting until December to just buy an applicator for the Blue Poinsettia marking :) You could also use a Cloudy eye applicator from the flood pit during wet season to get his eyes onto the final cub, and a skin changer to apply Blue skin.

The only things that are truly breed-only on this design are the rosette and feline 9 marking, and you could either use an ochre powder or a gnawrock on the feline marking depending on if you want to guarantee it or roll the dice on it. Gnaws sell for a good amount out of season since they're only available in one event, so it's up to you if you'd rather hang onto the gnaw you'd use on the feline marking to make money on it later!

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