Posted by ✨Official Lion Swap Thread✨

Mightyclaws (#184324)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2024-09-26 07:02:19

So…you have a breeding project. Great, right? Maybe you’re doing a long term combo base using your king. But you end up with tons of cubs that are his base, and not the combo or the other base needed to breed said combo.

Here’s where this thread comes in handy!

Using it, you can find those breeding the same base and swap lions to continue.

For example, say you are breeding Ogdoad. It has the combination Sutekh X Ubaste X Inpu. You have a Sutekh king- so you end up with a couple Sutekh cubs. Another user might have an Inpu king, and have a lot of Inpu cubs. So, you can use this thread to just swap cubs to grow your breeding project without spending GB and taking time to sell the cubs.

Again, this thread is exactly for that reason! There’s a form that you can use, to find people that can help you. You can also use my first post as an example.

Breeding Project:
Cubs produced:
Cubs needed:
Specific Requirements:
Anything else:

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Edited on 26/09/24 @ 07:10:52 by Mightyclaws (#184324)

Mightyclaws (#184324)

Total Chad
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-09-26 07:02:27
Breeding Project: Ogdoad Base
Combo: Sutekh X Inpu X Ubaste
Cubs produced: Sutekh
Cubs needed: Inpu, Ubaste
Specific Requirements: breedable adult, under 4 years
Anything else: Actual project is done on my side if you want to check them out :). Also looking to buy additional Inpu and Ubaste cubs or trade for lions here on my main.

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Edited on 26/09/24 @ 07:05:50 by Mightyclaws (#184324)

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