Posted by Gravis's CRB Project!

(Project King) (#141618)

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Posted on
2024-09-28 00:02:34
Hello all! This is just a personal topic for myself so I can keep track of all of my CRB'd lionesses and the cubs they've birthed! Most of the lionesses will be NCLs, but I'll make an effort to include several pretty mommas so any mutated cubs might have a chance of some neat markings!

♦ Most lionesses will only be CRB'd, but I'll specify any who received other breeding items!

♦ I'll be avoiding items like GOPs or Buffys, but I might be using other items every now and then for fun!

♦ Glossary
→ CRD = Cotton Root Bark
→ LM = Lion Meat
→ GMP = GMO Cow
→ LS = Lion Scrotum
→ Crunchy = Crunchy Worm
→ Gnaw = Ochre Gnawrock
→ GOP = Grain of Paradise
→ Buffy = Buffalo Scrotum

Muties Thus Far:
1x AMP
1x Achromia

♦ CRB #1 - Croissant ♦
Mom Mut: Silky Mane
Dad Mut: Primal
Items Used: CRB
Cubs: 2 / 1 Male and 1 Female
Muts: 0
Notes: Keeping the female to continue mom's bloodline.

♦ CRB #2 - UmberStone ♦
Mom Mut: N/A
Dad Mut: N/A
Items Used: CRB
Cubs: 2 / 2 Female
Muts: 0
Notes: Twin cubs. Keep one, sell one

♦ CRB #3 - Time Stone ♦
Mom Mut: Primal
Dad Mut: N/A
Items Used: CRB
Cubs: 2 / 2 Female
Muts: 0
Notes: Nothing to Note.

♦ CRB #4 - Dove 1M♦
Mom Mut: N/A
Dad Mut: Ferus
Items Used: CRB
Cubs: 1 / Female
Muts: 1
Notes: Nothing to note.

♦ CRB #5 - Chocolate 1M♦
Mom Mut: N/A
Dad Mut: Smilus
Items Used: CRB
Cubs: 1 / 1 Female
Muts: 1
Notes: AMP Female. Will keep until 2.

♦ CRB #6 - Dusty 4M♦
Mom Mut: N/A
Dad Mut: N/A
Items Used: CRB
Cubs: 2 / 2 Female
Muts: 1
Notes: Achromia Female. Keep for now.

♦ CRB #6 - Mauve 4M♦
Mom Mut: N/A
Dad Mut: Primal
Items Used: CRB
Cubs: 3 / 1 Female and 2 Male
Muts: 0
Notes: All chased after birth.

♦ CRB #6 - Cassis 5M♦
Mom Mut: N/A
Dad Mut: N/A
Items Used: CRB
Muts: N/A
Notes: Birth soon.

♦ CRB #6 - Deep Fawn 6M♦
Mom Mut: N/A
Dad Mut: N/A
Items Used: CRB
Muts: N/A
Notes: Birth soon.

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Edited on 03/10/24 @ 00:57:43 by GravisCordis (#141618)

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