Posted by Patrol/Treasure Hunt Mismatch

Wolv [Arctic 6.6k+
Stat Ferus] (#125697)

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Posted on
2024-09-28 11:01:10
What gameplay feature is this bug affecting?
Patrolling, Treasure Hunt

What's the issue? Please include any error messages you receive and as much detail as possible.
When a submale is being selected for a Treasure Hunt, submales that are currently on patrol are NOT selectable.

However, when a submale is being selected for Patrolling, submales that are on a treasure hunt ARE selectable.

This means that you can send a single submale to do both Treasure Hunt and Patrolling ONLY IF it is set to treasure hunt first and then set to patrol. Because a treasure hunt is shorter than a patrol, this causes an annoying gameplay mismatch.

The problem is NOT that you need two submales.
The problem is that it is inconsistent whether one or two submales are needed. I would like it if submales on a treasure hunt were NOT selectable for patrols if the intent is to require two different lions. If the intent is that only one lion is needed, then lions currently on patrol should be selectable for treasure hunts.

Any links relating to this bug? For example, if a particular lion is bugging, what is the link to that lion?

Any screenshots you can provide us with?

Please provide us with step by step explanation how this bug happened so we can attempt to replicate it. If it's complex, please include screenshots where possible:
Have two submales (A and B). No one is patrolling or treasure hunting.
Send A on Patrol.
Check Treasure Hunt page. A is not selectable.
This means that you must send B to do the treasure hunt.

Have two submales (A and B). No one is patrolling or treasure hunting.
Send A on a Treasure Hunt.
Check the Patrol page. A is selectable.
This means that A can simultaneously treasure hunt and patrol.

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