Posted by Branch Selling

Ani (#152559)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2024-09-29 08:44:37
Hey, first time posting, but I need SB, so I'm selling food for cheap. At least I think it's cheap?

Always gonna be selling what I don't need. I'm always sending my girls to hunt so I got a lot of food that I don't always need. So I decided to sell them cause, why not? I don't need them.

I feed my Lions/Cubs when they need it and then I just sell the rest when I can.

edit: as of October 1st, 2024 I have reached my goal of enough SB to buy another GB to help expand my male slots to have 3 males now instead of 2. But that won't stop me from selling cheapish food on my branch named cheapish food?

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Edited on 01/10/24 @ 11:36:16 by Ani (#152559)

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