Posted by Outlaw w Seal marks and a new T2 Mark Slot!

Hilde-{G1 2.6k
Svelte Haze} (#418921)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-10-08 12:09:21
Hi there!

I'm selling this Outlaw dude that I've been rmaing since we just don't vibe anymore lol.
He has a few rare slots (listed below) as well as Fulvous Glaze in a brand-new slot!

S6 Onyx indri-1 of 8, no kings
S7-Feralis Cimmerian, 1 lion, 1 king
S8-New Slot!!! Only lion with it currently on LD
S9 Black Dinictis- 1 of 5 lions, no kings

I don't really have a set price in mind so just looking for offers!

This was my planned look, with some piety and an app if you needed any ideas for him!

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