Posted by Opal and Loule

•₯π•ͺ |Clean G2
rift (#493746)

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Posted on
2024-10-13 10:45:53
Character lore/info:
Opal is a rather interesting female, she somehow is the leader of her own pride, she's kind of a lesbian I guess, her colors are fully from her father and ever her father thinks of her as a clone.
She has a rather curious but teasing snarky nature when you get to know her better, she is extremely silent on her paws due to a low weight. Her height for a female lion is quite large compared to a normal lioness, she is just over the size of an average make lion.

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•₯π•ͺ |Clean G2
rift (#493746)

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Posted on
2024-10-13 10:49:11
A quite colorful lioness approaches lil' mitten loule and lowers her head in confusion, touching noses with the house cat she coos to him "boy, oher lionesses quite like you aye?"

She would smile at him with a teasing grin, she's hoping to make friends with this house cat. He seems like a nice one at least...

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MR DISC (#456713)

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Posted on
2024-10-13 10:53:28
"Uah! How'd you get into my territory? We're guarded on all sides by a moat! Unless you're some kind of fish-lioness...?!" Louie jolts, his fur spiking as he whirls around to face the brightly-coloured lioness with a firm, four-pawed stance intended for confrontation. He scrutinizes her with a narrowed, verdant glare of suspicion. The spots on his pelt ripple as he takes a step forward, scenting the air.

"You don't /smell/ like a fish....lion. Fishlion. Are you a fishlion?"

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•₯π•ͺ |Clean G2
rift (#493746)

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Posted on
2024-10-13 10:58:44
"hmmm close but no, I just really like the water and I'm a good swimmer, also one of your lionesses was asleep it was easy!"

She grins at the small house cat, curious as to what a lionfish... Er fishlion is she inquires to him "what ever is a lionfish... Fishlion? Does that even exist?"

The larger cat paws at some beetles and tree nuts on the ground playfully awaiting a likely confusing answer from the smaller cat Infront of her paws

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MR DISC (#456713)

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Posted on
2024-10-13 11:03:05
"They probably do. Lionfish exist. I think. Maybe if a lioness bred with a fish-wait, one of my lionesses was asleep? So, then, you've snuck onto my territory by swimming right past her? Which one?" Louie blinks in confusion, his fur beginning to lie flat rather than spiked up like a little spotted burr. He tilts his head, leafy gaze inquiring but not challenging.

"More importantly, what are you here for?"

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•₯π•ͺ |Clean G2
rift (#493746)

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Posted on
2024-10-13 11:08:25
"oh just to figure out if the tales from my father were true and they ARE which is shocking, wait no YOURE SHOCKING uhmmm anyways I was here for that but omigosh you're so interesting, how do you do it! How did you make so many lionesses moon over you!!"

The younger but talker lioness questions so fast it's hard to think but she seems extremely excited for an answer, she seems of no harm, her claws are in so that's a good sign she's not here to hurt anyone

"Anyways yeah I think she had some like peachy look to her, looks really soft and fuzzy like peach fuzz-"

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MR DISC (#456713)

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Posted on
2024-10-13 11:18:26
"I'm famous??" Louie's little head cocks to one side, and he seems a little shocked for a moment. He quickly shakes off the surprise and then nods, his tail curling about himself somewhat relaxedly. "Oh, yes, all my lionesses adore me!" Proudly, he begins to stalk about the dewy grass sprigs with a high-pitched purr building up in his throat. "You see, the truth is that I am irresistibly cute. Adorable, even. Other kings bring me their great bounties and wealth untold. I am also rich! Take, for example, my prized collection of golden beetles that I /totally/ didn't win from Cups."

Louie, a little selfish, continues to speak of his accomplishments. "In fact, one of my cubs was even born with an overgrown tongue! His name is Skeppy because-..." He trails off, muttering a soft 'uhhh' in thought. Then he shakes his head to clear the dumbness that had come over him. "...actually, I don't remember why. Must've been impulsive. Anyways, your father seems quite the brilliant grandpaw! My story is truly one of inspiration and cool-ness. I've made friends with every animal I've come across, and have never slain a single beast, be it lion or otherwise."

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•₯π•ͺ |Clean G2
rift (#493746)

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Posted on
2024-10-13 11:25:22
"little housecat you sure talk a lot you know..." She shakes her head in disbelief but chuckles due to the funnyness of the small critter, she thinks for a moment before saying

"Lionesses love me too but mutated one, like piebalds or primals for example! I've even got a make primal to help with patrolling, poor guy though is always out there, I ought to let him do something for fun ever now and then but he's dedicated that's for sure!" *She coos to the smaller cat. She lays down to see him better and to be on his level but the main reason is cause her legs hurt a bit.

"I may need to go back to my pride soon if you want to meet my favorite lioness you can come along if you want to?"

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MR DISC (#456713)

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Posted on
2024-10-13 11:30:12
Louie nods excitedly and turns for a moment, glancing over his shoulder. His tail has a friendly curve at the top, like a question mark. "Sure, you seem friendly enough. Lead the way, VerytalllionessIdon'tknowthenameof!" The housecat expectantly glances back at the multicoloured lioness, waiting for her to show him the way to her pride.

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•₯π•ͺ |Clean G2
rift (#493746)

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Posted on
2024-10-13 11:31:22
(roleplay pauseing for 10 minutes so I can draw a commission I got)

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•₯π•ͺ |Clean G2
rift (#493746)

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Posted on
2024-10-13 11:48:46
The she chuckles "I'm opalescent otherwise opal to my lionesses! Follow...."

Opal lead the 3 mile walk to her pride that resides in a secluded area in the rainforest it seems like it always rains here but the lake or pond we have never dries up or overflows no wonder we live here... I greet my favorite lioness by rubbing head with her then look at loule and say

"Embershadow meet the house cat I left the prides safespace to look for!" The piebald lioness is quite pretty, loule can see why opal favors her the most out of all her lionesses, the lioness speaks in her usual soft but hunter like tone "hmmm so he's the one, he's quite interesting to say the least, I wonder why any lioness would choose a cat smaller than them... By a lot-"

Opal replies "he says it's cause he's cute and adorable" she says this as she rolls her eyes

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Edited on 13/10/24 @ 12:14:31 by DaemonTheRam (#493746)

MR DISC (#456713)

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Posted on
2024-10-13 12:16:04
Here's my character sheet btw


Louie follows along, his dainty paws beginning to ache after padding for so long. Once they reach the rainforest, his nose lifts to sniff the air in interest. There's a bunch of lions here, he realises with a little uneasy prickle. Louie hopes they're as friendly as Opal. He keeps a guarded air about him, his tail held close to his pelt rather than sticking straight up in the air.

Once he meets the piebald lioness, he blinks in surprise. "Hey, you look like one of my lionesses! She has the same mutation. Her name's Droplet, because it looks like she has little white puddles all over. Your mutation's much the same, isn't it? That's cool." He feels a little better, and his ears perk up when he hears the clamor of interested lionesses not far off. Louie begins to purr in anticipation, he loves meeting new friends.

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•₯π•ͺ |Clean G2
rift (#493746)

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Posted on
2024-10-13 12:24:09
Two lionesses of the names leulo and iverh walk up with curiosity, I smile at iverh and she greets both opal and Louie with a purr. Leulo steps towards Louie and pokes him carefully not harming him, she's quite the smaller for a lioness about the size of an adolescent maybe a bit taller but still small... Not like a dwarf but still small for an adult lioness.

Iverh just looks confused as to why I even brought Louie here and simply asks " why did you bring him to our pride, you know if June gets back he will be pissed to all high heavens!" Opal nods her head in agreement and realized he will be back quite soon

"Ember would you like to go on a walk with me and Louie back to his pride,, we can hunt on our way back here hm?"

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MR DISC (#456713)

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Posted on
2024-10-13 12:31:35
Louie watches the lionesses converse, feeling quite small despite his bravado. He tilts his head for what must have been the hundredth time, then his eyes widen so that his sclera is a tiny bit visible because the sound of someone coming back and being pissed about his being within a foreign pride makes him cringe.
That would be a wondrous way to start conflict, though he knows Opal wouldn't hurt him, or let another of her pride members hurt him.

Louie shoots Leulo a half-hearted, somewhat uncomfortable glare at being prodded like a twitching carcass. The notion of returning home graces him with a little relief, and Louie lifts his head to look up at the sky above. Night will fall soon, he thinks. It's a good idea to return home before the demons come out. He shudders at the thought of yet another batlike barrier preventing him from continuing on, but shakes off the unease with a soft step forwards.

"Returning home sounds like a good idea. It was nice to meet you ladies, but I'm not looking forward to meeting June. He doesn't sound too nice!" The cat jokes, though he's not sure how much of a joke that is. He can smell primal around, and it's not Felis like Ragdoll is. The thought makes his ears flick back.

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•₯π•ͺ |Clean G2
rift (#493746)

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Posted on
2024-10-13 18:19:34
As we leave opal gives a small glare to June who of course to protect his king tried to go for Louie, opal lightly baps him and gives a warning to not do that again, he will have to eat after the lionesses this week... The lionesses barely leave anything though so who knows what will happen

Opal inquires to Louie "that was June, how do you like him? We call him June but his real name we gave him is June beetle due to how aggressive he is..." The she sighs since it's been a long day

The two walk for about a mile before stopping to rest their paws as opal notices Louie getting tired "it's a long way home, let's rest hm?" She dips right into the sivery pool of water next to them and cools herself off, she nods for Louie to do the same, she things Louie is like her and her pride that loves the water..

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Edited on 13/10/24 @ 18:57:56 by DaemonTheRam (#493746)

•₯π•ͺ |Clean G2
rift (#493746)

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Posted on
2024-10-15 18:20:30
rp unpaused

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