Posted by Leopon Auction

toetickler037 (#385314)

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Posted on
2024-10-24 09:11:32
Leopon Auction

Item prices (lowest branch prices):
Buffalo Scrot 22
Lion Scrot 24
Black Stallion 2
Ochre Gnawrock 34
GMO Cow 29
Crunchy Worm 23
Yohimbe Bark 12
SoD 5
Angelic Blessing 7

Lion 1:

MR - CL - G5 - PON - 2/3 heats left


SB: 50
MI: 5
AB: 130

Lion 2:

MR - CL - G6 - PON - Missing 1 heat


SB: 90
MI: 5
AB: 170

Thank you for reading! Have a great day :)

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Edited on 24/10/24 @ 12:46:20 by toetickler037 (#385314)

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