Posted by Selling: herbs and gems!

CAN1N3 | 5.10.24 Ra
RLC (#370438)

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Posted on
2024-11-01 10:20:19
herbs as of 11/1/24
image host
prices (all based off lowest branch price):
buchu: 200sb per
dream root: 170sb per
honey bush: 150sb per
iboga root: 150sb per
Imphepho: 200sb per
Marula Fruit: 500sb per
Nut Grass 200sb per
Ubhubhubhu: 1gb per
Umganu: 100sb per
Uqume: 40sb per
Uvuma-Omhlope: 150sb per
Uzara: 100sb per

image host
prices (based off of lowest branch price):
Amethyst: 150sb per
Bloodstone: 90sb per
Carnelian: 45sb per
Cat's Eye: 50sb per
Celestite: 25sb per
Dioptase: 38sb per
Fire Opal: 50sb per
Garnet 25sb per
Hematite: 38sb per
Howlite: 38sb per
Jasper: 48sb per
Kunzite: 90sb per
Labradorite: 78 sb per
Meteorite: 60sb per
Moonstone: 300sb per
Moss Agate: 500sb per
Nuummite: 99sb per
Peridot: 38sb per
Rhodonite: 75sb per
Rough Opal: 95sb per
Rough Ruby: 70sb per
Sparkling Opal: 50sb per
Star Ruby: 35sb per
Tanzanite: 20sb per

just lmk what you want and I will set up a trade :)

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