Posted by Northern Pack (REBOOT) CS

SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-11-22 16:07:24

Main Roleplay Thread


character sheet, please use! thank you


Dominant: Yes or No
Love Interest?:
Extra (optional):

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Edited on 22/11/24 @ 16:09:46 by SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-11-22 18:21:50


Age: 5 Years

Gender: Male

Rank: Alpha Male (future)

Dominant: Yes

Personality: A loyal, serious, and protective wolf. Kieran will do anything for his pack, no matter what, even if it means putting his life on the line. He means business, and doesn't like disobiedience or laziness. He is extremely protective and will protect his packmates against anything. Kieran can also be too bold, or aggressive, which can make him a harsh wolf at times.

Appearance: All black fur with lighter undercoat. Dark brown, slightly green eyes.

Love Interest: none, yet

black wolf nature animal wildlife portrait canis lupus face

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Edited on 22/11/24 @ 18:29:13 by SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

🎩Fancy fork
🍴™ (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-11-22 19:40:40

Age: 4 years old

Rank: Beta

Gender: female

Dominant: Yes

Personality: A fierce but understanding she wolf quick to challenge those she disagrees with, but hardly ever let's it escalate any farther than empty threats. She's quite thick skinned and easily brushes off the rare insult, but she often fails to realise someones given her constructive criticism until she's already taken a snap at their whiskers.
Jouska is a very passionate hunter and takes protection VERY seriously, insisting on keeping watch for the pack, a demand that has since become routine after the old alphas went missing.

Appearance: A very thick furred ginger wolf obviously for the snowy mountains, sporting rounded ears and an impressive stature to match her competitive nature.

Love Interest?: N/A

Extra (optional): Nuh uh

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Edited on 28/11/24 @ 13:45:09 by 🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

̯̱̠̠̣̯O̷̓ (#246976)

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Posted on
2024-11-22 20:07:50

Age: 4 years old

Rank: Alpha Female

Gender: female

Dominant: In a way, yes.

Personality: Gia is an independent, reserved she wolf with jaw dropping facial features. She is quiet yet graceful in every way, including a rather low motherly tone to her speech. Gia hates getting involved in drama or being around bad influences, she'd prefer not to get into a sticky situation. Gia is also a very intelligent dame who knows how to track down herd extremely well and spot a weak point. Although she sounds flawless, she does struggle socially and is easily flattered.

Appearance: Thick, snow-white long fur with pointed ears and rather longer legs adding height to her. She appears to have a rather healthy appearance.

Love Interest?: N/A (Would LOVE one though LOL)


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Edited on 22/11/24 @ 22:49:11 by D̶̤̅̓̅͌͘͘̚͝I̴̯̱̠̠̣̯̊̅̂̄̓͛͐̇O̷̓ (#246976)

Vernon! ᯓ★ (#492668)

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Posted on
2024-11-22 20:42:04

Age: 4 Years

Rank: Omega

Gender: Male

Dominant: No

Personality: Khepri is a lax and easygoing wolf known for being nimble and quick on his paws, making up for his lackluster fighting abilities. He can be rather loud and boisterous around the wolves he feels comfortable around, but usually tends to burn that energy while scouting.

Appearance: A scrawny brown wolf with hazel eyes and rounded ears. His fur is a little shorter than average but thick enough to keep him warm in the cold.

Love Interest?: None

Extra (optional): N/A!

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Edited on 22/11/24 @ 21:38:15 by Vernon! ᯓ★ (#492668)

Grace|Darkness of
Abyss (#485049)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2024-11-22 23:31:45
< Frost >

Age: 2 years 5 months

Rank: Delta

Gender: Female

Dominant: No

Personality: Frost is a wolf, but like coyote-like traits. She seems to enjoy it, able to run faster. Some wolves might see her as a cryptid, some as a beauty.

Appearance: A dark grey wolf with sparkling amber eyes. She has a scar across her muzzle. She has a short tail.

Extra: none

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Edited on 22/11/24 @ 23:58:54 by Grace|Darkness of Abyss (#485049)

Beautifulblo (#59951)

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Posted on
2024-11-25 20:11:34
[Name] Kira

Age: 3.5 Years Old
Rank: Beta
Gender: Male
Dominant: Yes 
Personality: Kira isn't the warmest, that tends to happen when raised in icy conditions. Despite his grumpy attitude he's a hard worker, putting his best into every task no matter the size. He cares for few things, his pack, his pride, and his own skill. Kira isn't a total monster, having a small spot for pups and those wronged in his eyes. He's stubborn, preferring  to listen to his own reasoning over others but with enough persuading he'll come around. 
Appearance: A large broad grey wolf. Mixes of cream and tan dusted with shades of black cover his coat. A broad snout with triangular shaped ears, large paws and yellow eyes.
Love Interest?: N/A
Extra (optional):
Kira Appearance (pic by John Mundy)

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Edited on 25/11/24 @ 20:44:37 by Beautifulblo (#59951)

O̷̷u̷̷t̷ (#477743)

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Posted on
2024-11-29 15:05:07

Age: 27 weeks

Rank: pup

Gender: male

Dominant: bro...of course...he's a pup

Personality: Buck is a troublesome pup who loves causing chaos. He is very talkative and snappy, sometimes acts like a smartass. He will bite and insult whoever anytime, will throw a fit if he doesn't get what he wants.

Appearance: fluffy, pitch black fur with darker red eyes, long ears. Front left paw is solid white.

Love Interest: NOPE

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Edited on 29/11/24 @ 15:06:19 by ̷F̷a̷̷l̷̷l̷̷O̷̷u̷̷t̷ (#477743)

Crow - (they/them) (#426095)

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Posted on
2024-11-30 23:02:17

Age: 5
Rank: Omega.
Gender: Female.
Dominant: No, as much as she'd like to be.

Personality: A rather snappy wolf for her rank, Mayhrie is sure that she can, despite everything, prove herself to her pack. She's quick to start a fight, and is overall pretty prickly. Still, the wolf's not bad, just feisty. She's very dedicated, her determination often driving her forwards when others would falter. She's both quick on her feet and in her mind, a true problem sleuth. Part of her craves for a peace that she doesn't know if she'll ever find within the pack, but her sense of honor wouldn't dare to allow her to even dream of a life beyond.

Appearance: Mayhrie is a slender wolf with tawny-ginger fur. Her eyes are a forest green. Dark ticking spreads across her back and face, and the behinds of her ears are white. Some white banding is seen on her underbelly and tail, allowing her the natural countershading of most wolves. She's rather lanky, but isn't much above average height. She's just very leggy.

Love Interest?: N/A, yet! >:)
Extra (optional): I'll dig up her art later,,, I am writing this fairly late LMAO

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Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2024-12-04 00:53:54

Character Sheet:


Age: Three years of age
Rank: Caretaker
Gender: Female

No, Duvessa is an innately submissive and gentle female, however, she will surpass this submissiveness in times of need, such as when protecting or caring for the injured, elderly, or young. Those grouchy elders can suck it up and accept that they are going to be assisted whether they like it or not.
Duvessa can be described as a serene and calm female, preferring to listen rather than talk, and to keep the peace if it's available.  Maternal, affectionate, and compassionate, Duvessa puts her energy into providing all that she can to her pack, even if it's just an ear or a word of kindness to whoever may need it. Soothing the harsh tempers of the pack, Duvessa only runs against the grain if her morals dictate a need for stubbornness. A valuable friend, and if you are unlucky enough to push her until you end up as her adversary, you will find that teeth will show you truly how dead you are to her.
Duvessa firmly disagrees with the mistreatment of Omegas or any lower-ranking wolves, especially if that treatment leads to any injury to the wolf.
Duvessa can be described as an ashen grey wolf with darker points and lighter grey guard hairs providing the illusion of a salt and pepper coat. Her eyes are a light grey that almost appears white, especially in direct sunlight or moonlight. Her coat has no distinctive white patterning. Her build is lean, sleek, and slightly below average yet she isn't significantly small, but a female that is built for speed and skilled prowess rather than pointlessly slow, bulky musculature.

Significant Other:
Duvessa currently isn't interested in any wolf within her pack romantically but has a preference for dominant males that would complement her soft nature.


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Edited on 06/12/24 @ 21:15:00 by Lupa (#50745)

Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2024-12-04 00:56:51

Character Sheet:


Age: Five months of age
Rank: Pup
Gender: Female

The dominance of Hemera is yet to be determined with age, however, throughout her puppyhood the young female has shown signs of dominance over her litter, tussling with her brothers and sisters until she manages to pin them down. During those moments, Duvessa would swear to the gods that Hemera truly was the very image of her mother, Athena.
Hemera can be described as a rambunctious and scrappy young female with her littermates, tussling and rough-housing in play with the braver of the pups. However, her respect is absolute when communicating with the older wolves, curiosity brimming with her desire to learn all the wisdom that her seniors are willing to impart to her. Headstrong and determined, Hemera is willing to give her all to anything she puts her mind to, even to a fault in her stubbornness, but she often has put it aside to listen to guidance instead of allowing her pride to overtake her ability to be receptive to correction and input from her peers. After time spent with the female who had stepped into the role of a surrogate mother, Hemera began to show more empathy and consideration to those around her, stopping herself when she got too rough and tending to her littermates when they accidentally got hurt. This pup has large paws to fill, but she takes it all in her stride and strives to be the very best that she can become in all ways, including showing her brothers that her gender doesn't define her position in the hierarchy.
Hemera was her mother's daughter, but that didn't overshadow the spirit of her father in those dark eyes.
Any wolf that looked upon the young Hemera could see the resemblance between her and her mother, Athena, with a thick creamy white, tan, and grey coat of fur. With her youth, she hadn't yet completely filled out her body structure, with the awkward lankiness of a growing pup that had shed their puppy fur for their adult one. But, her eyes are completely that of her father, inheriting Lupin's dark brown eyes that stand apart from her light, creamy pelt. White markings cover the stomach of Hemera, and her snout and jaw are white, creating a bib down her throat of the pattern. Alongside this, the tip of her tail has a white spot, a trait commonly inherited from Lupin.

Significant Other:
As a pup of five months, Hemera has zero interest in seeking out a mate or even entertaining the mere concept of becoming a breeder female in the future. Her focus is on growing and learning from her pack.




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Edited on 06/12/24 @ 21:17:54 by Lupa (#50745)

Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2024-12-04 00:57:52

Character Sheet:


Age: Five years of age
Rank: Dispersal Male
Gender: Male

Yes, Makhai is an innately dominant and aggressive male, and he's swift to subdue any suspected challenge with skilled prowess and brute force. Softness isn't a trait afforded to those who survived four years in the wilderness alone, however, the right wolf might reveal a slightly more considerate and reasonable side of the wolf that would be reserved only for her and their future pups.
Makhai has spent many seasons alone, and without the harmony of a pack, has fallen into the mentality of survival. It's an eat-or-be-eaten world in the Alaskan wilderness, and as a lone wolf, he is a competitor for the other predators out in the forests. This male is a force to be reckoned with and has a temper to match, he is a wolf that will cut his place out of this world with his bare teeth and earn the respect of any that cross him with raw claw. The definition of a ferocious male, Makhai has lost his will to submit to any wolf after his dispersal from his birth pack and has spent years threatening rival territories with brutal force. This wolf is a machine, born and bred for fighting, and revels in the desire for his power to be matched, and his bloodline to only be carried on by a wolf that is considered his equal.
Those who are fortunate enough to earn the loyalty of this male would have a terrifying ally in anything that may come, as he would hone those years of expertise to protect them and provide them with whatever they may desire.
Even unto his own death.
A coat mixed with beige, seal, and black, Makhai's thick fur is an arrangement of colors that provide a unique contrast against the snow of his homeland. Icy blue eyes are as cold as they look, filled with hatred and distrust of all those who glance into his unforgiving, domineering gaze. Tall, lean, and muscular in the way that was built for physical prowess, his body was honed and refined from the years of solitude, with the battle scars to match. Littered across his flank, neck, shoulders, and legs, the scars from fights of numerous species, and even some trees or rocks, are scattered through his pelt. Most notably, a scar crosses over from the left of his muzzle, near his lips, and ends towards his right cheek, and there is a notch out of his right ear.

Significant Other:
Makhai currently isn't interested in any wolf, however, either a submissive female that would complement him, or a dominant female that would match his strength would both be considered by the male. Makhai as a mate could be considered as 'touch her and die'.




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Edited on 06/12/24 @ 21:18:36 by Lupa (#50745)

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