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itzVera [G1
12.18.2020 rlc] SH (#405030)

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Posted on
2024-11-24 12:23:36
Petite Lion Salon
Quick Introduction
Hi there, I’m Vera!
I made this thread last year to help people with designing and decorating their lion, heir, queen or kings! It has turned out to be great and I enjoy it as a hobby
This is a really cheep, easy, design store. I will use the Lion Wardrobe to do this.

Form for the design

The * means must answer

Left Header
Right Header
Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi neque minima odit necessitatibus dolores nostrum sed delectus cum sapiente architecto, inventore doloremque, ad ipsam id dignissimos expedita?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Iusto sapiente expedita repudiandae ab ipsa harum nisi dignissimos? Voluptas id neque numquam quo tenetur perferendis rerum eum ad! Quae, architecto consectetur!
Finished Commisions


HTML Template by Chris (#105465)

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Edited on 24/11/24 @ 17:44:06 by itzVera [G1 12.18.2020 rlc] (#405030)

itzVera [G1
12.18.2020 rlc] SH (#405030)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-11-24 17:45:11

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itzVera [G1
12.18.2020 rlc] SH (#405030)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-11-24 17:45:15

Hi! I just love designing lions, especially heirs. Decided to make this thread to help people out to making their heir or king!
This is a really cheep, easy, design store. I will use the Lion Wardrobe to do this.

I can do almost everything for markings, base, skin etc.
Decor may take me longer, but no more than a few days at MOST!

Form for the design: * means must

Waiting List:

Finished Commisions:

Examples of my designs:
Screenshot-2024-06-03-10-20-08 <-- February special design!



old stuff

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