Posted by Free Lore Ideas!

💮Hoovbeetz💮 (#471105)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-11-25 14:30:48
Free Lore Ideas!
Other Things by Me for Lore-Lovers!
This is for everyone! That means YOU! So, if you need Lore ideas, your at the right place! and are for you!
How to do it!
If you want Lore ideas, comment! Just give some details, such as; whether or not you want it about your current king and other such details! I'll PM you asap! Please use full and easy to understand words!
Some helpful info:
Put links next to character's names the first time you introduce them so people can see them if they want. You don't need this for your king. DO NOT put cuss words (even mild), ANYTHING even mildly inappropriate, and NO graphic stuff. It's a good idea not to use slang or abbreviations either because there's a lot of people from other countries who may not understand it. A lot of people just don't like the stuff I listed above and so it may stop them from reading it. Plus, that makes it safe for everyone! You, of course, can do it however u want it, these are just suggestions.

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