Posted by Looking for RP partner

kdays<3 (#496116)

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Posted on
2024-11-29 17:03:30
Hi! I'm looking for roleplay partner/s.

warrior cats
Zombie apocolypse
Honestly pretty much anything

I'm okay with anything really, nothing gets under my skin. Romance is okay, but no heavy nsfw or anything like that.

PM me with character sheets, and ideas for a roleplay!

Example character sheet:

Name - your name here
Species - species/dependant on rp
Description - describe looks or place image
Personality - describe your personality, so I know sort of what to expect
Theme's - specify what your willing to do and what your not willing to do.
Sex - male female other whatever your/characters pronouns are.
triggers - is there anything I should avoid in RP for example if you have trauma over a death in the family, I wont kill/have anyone die in family or ask before broaching that subject.

My character sheet will vary based on theme.

Character Sheets

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