Posted by New July Celestial Raffle Base: Stellar

Thoth🖤 1609/3000
HS 🖤Tri Ros (#230702)

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Posted on
2024-11-30 09:22:19

Here is another new base I propose for this game I'm severely addicted to :D (No, not based off of the stellar eyes)

Red Dark Countershaded Special
Tied to Daisy eyes and Plum skin (I feel like Echo skin is overused in July bases)

May I present




Patches (Rift):

"It looks too similar to other bases to be a new base"

THIS IS LIODEN!! We have TONS and I MEAN TONS of bases that are almost identical, granted, those are normal NCL bases. I would be surprised if this looked like another base too much

"July Base?"

There are tons of purple base suggestions, so I wanted to make my own version, just July-themed! I love the colour purple too, and I made it that colour! I always imagine stellar as purple and I feel like this base could be well utilized seeing as it's purple (more bases of that colour are needed!) and fits the July theme great in my eyes.

I hope this summed up all the questions, but if it didn't, feel free to post yours! If you don't support, please post why! It helps me create better bases for next time :)

This suggestion has 22 supports and 4 NO supports.

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Roxanne (G1 Seal
Jellyfish) (#121082)

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Posted on
2024-11-30 10:00:20
Love this, and we need more purples.


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