Posted by Off-limits markings?

Ichor (#498937)

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Posted on
2024-11-30 17:38:55
Howdy! I'm working on making my king a bit more visually interesting, but I've realized that I'm not quite sure which markings can and cannot be applied with applicators.

So, my question is: which markings cannot be applied with applicators, whatsoever, and/or where can I find a list of the aforementioned markings?

Thanks y'all!

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Tsaari (#37874)

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Posted on
2024-11-30 17:54:21

Lioden Wiki is amazing tool and it has helped me out numerous times. You can access it either trough google, or by pressing the Wiki-button next to the logout button upper right corner.

Here's also direct link to the wiki (and the marking-guide):

I would recommend clicking the "Custom markings" and "Applicator markings" links to see markings you can add to your lion, since going for the RMA (Random marking applicator) can get costly if you are looking very specific markings you want to add c:

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leon (#208511)

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Posted on
2024-11-30 17:57:18
This gets to be such a messy question with Liodens tiering lol.

Tier 0 and Tier 1 markings can always be applied with the 3 GB marking applicator in Oasis.

Tier 2 markings are raffle markings—markings from the weekly raffle girls. They can be applied very rarely from random marking applicators, but it's rare (0.5% I believe) and infeasible to get a specific marking you want. Consider them inapplicable.

Tier 3 markings are classified as event markings. This is where it gets messy. A large number of them are applicators, but this also involves inapplicable markings from July raffle lionesses and August studs and markings from event NCLs that can only be applied in November. You just have to learn what's what.

Tier 4 is rosettes. They're a 0.1% chance from RMAs. Consider them inapplicable.

Tier 5 is hybrid markings and Gorilla Enclave applicators, as well as any new tier 2 markings they temporarily don't want people to RMA. You can't get these from RMAs. Hybrid markings are just period inapplicable, but the Enclave applicators are, well, applicators.

Tier 6 is RMA exclusives. They're technically applicable, and not too rare from RMAs, 5%, but you'd have a really terrible time trying to get a particular RMA marking. Consider them largely inapplicable. - everything else on this page might be relevant to you as well

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Ichor (#498937)

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Posted on
2024-11-30 17:57:00

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